Monday, November 16, 2009

Brittany & Janet | Just Because

You all know Janet from a few past posts, well when I was home she asked me if I would take some pictures of her and her good freind Brittany (aka Little Bit). Of course I said yes, especially when they said they wanted to do something with a Boho/ Vintage/ Runaways feel, because shoot I do love me a themed photo shoot! Unfortunately, by the time we got from Houston to Crosby all we had was about 30 minutes of light left. I kinda freaked out a little - barely any light, shooting with my new 50mm lens that I had never used and to top it off our first location was like a Motel 8 for mosquitos. I swear I had to edit about two mosquitos out of every picture and then later on,  the huge red mosquito bites :) But all in all we got some great, moody pictures true to the look we were going for!

The Runaways

The Runaways

The Runaways

The Runaways

The Runaways

The Runaways

So as I mentioned before, it was really getting dark fast  - this is what my amazing lens was able to do while shooting wide open:

The Runaways

Still looks to be fairly light outside, right? Well the pictures below show the reality of how dark it already was.
The Runaways

The Runaways

The Runaways

We did a little outfit change, took about 2 shots and promtly got kicked off the property. So I will leave you with a funny one we took on the way back to Brittany's house :)

The Runaways

xo Sarah


GladysJem November 21, 2009 at 6:57 AM  

There is something about this post that makes me want to go shopping at Urban Outfitters ;) I lurrvee it times 5. Woo!

Mariah Milan November 28, 2009 at 11:01 PM  

Ok that first one the train tracks... the b/w one... AWESOME!!! Well they're all pretty awesome but that one is my favorite!

Ashleigh December 2, 2009 at 5:58 AM  

i love these!!! they are so editorial & high fashion!!! great work!!!