Monday, October 26, 2009

Chrissy | Just Because

Holy Guacamole, I have so much to share with you guys!!

So my laptop was "hijacked" (the computer guys words, not mine) while I was home in Texas, so blogging was not happening... I went to the guys house and he tells me "Ma'am unfortunatley I cant give you our computer back yet beause it has been hijacked" and I am standing there looking at him like "Say what?!" BUT I got my little baby back before I left to go back to Germany! Now its time to play some catch up because I tell you what' its about 50 degrees colder here than it was in Houston - which means more time spent inside!

Now on to the pictures: Chrissy is a friend I met through
Elli who wanted some fun, new pictures of herself. She was a tough cookie too because it was cold an we almost got rained out! Thankfully we found a place to be under a roof and still get some pretty gorgeous pictures!

DSC_7633 Kopie
Because everyone loves a funny face :)


BTW, what do y'all think about my new watermark/logo? I think that this one suits my style a little more than the cursive elegant font...

xo Sarah


Janet your Cuz :) October 29, 2009 at 7:53 PM  

Is this the Monroe you were talking about?? Yeah no bueno, way to close to the top lip thats kinda non existant...but these pics are wicked cute! I want more photoshoots with sarah!!!!!

Love you.