Winter Wonderland | Family Shoot
So those of you who have been following my blog for a while will be familiar with Elli's face by now since she is my go to model when I have a new idea that I want to try out. So when Elli asked if I would do a shoot with her and her brothers as a surprise for her Mom's 50th birthday - I was psyched! There was so much snow and I knew that I really wanted to do a fun and colorful winter themed shoot! The day of the shoot it was really overcast and it was snowing, not the best conditions because I was concerned all the pictures would be blurry because of the snow etc. BUT when we got to our location we just had fun. They even brought and old wooden sled... so here is the result of my very favorite family shoot to date - ENJOY :)
My favorite shot of the day :)
By the time the sun did decide to come out, everyone was freezing and wet but I still managed to grab a few shots.
These are gorgeous, Sarah. I'd KILL to do a snow shoot!
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